Cambodia-China Journalist Association (CCJA)
launched in Phnom Penh with two co-presidents |
Journalist Association (CCJA) launched in Phnom Penh on 7 May
2019 |
News Reports:
Phnom Penh, May 9: The Cambodia-China Journalist Association (CCJA)
that was established by Cambodain and Chinese veteran journalists in
order to promote friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and China
was launched in Phnom Penh on Tuesday with two co-presidents, reports
the Khmer Times.
Cambodia-China Journalist Association (CCJA) Cambodia co-president,
Soy Sopheap, says that the association was established to jointly promote
ties based on the principles of the Cambodian and Chinese governments
which have enjoyed good relations and cooperation for decades.
The Cambodia-China Journalist Association (CCJA) China co-president
Liu Xiao Guang said that the Cambodia-China Journalist Association vows
to respect the principle of cooperation between Cambodia and China saying
that "the association will try to professionally disseminate factual
information about Chinese investments in Cambodia and exports of Cambodian
products to China.
Cambodia Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said at the launch that
the ministry supported the formation of the Cambodia-China Journalist
Association (CCJA), saying I hope that the association will boost
relations and understanding between the peoples of both countries.
This is a new achievement resulting from the comprehensive strategic
partnership of cooperation between Cambodia and China, he said.
Cambodia government spokesman, Phay Siphan, said at the launch that
the government appreciated and valued the role that the media played
in Society, saying that "the media mirrors and reflects social
"Journalists play an important role in helping to maintain peace,
stability, and sustainable development in the Kingdom and also contribute
towards regional development and maintaining global peace," he
He said that Cambodia and China have had a comprehensive strategic partnership
of cooperation since 2010, and that this has enabled both countries
to have ties "as strong as steel."
Political counselor at the embassy of China in Cambodia, Zuo Wenxing,
said that Cambodia has achieved huge success in all sectors under the
leadership of Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen, saying that "the
Cambodia-China Journalist Association (CCJA) should highlight these
achievements to the world."
I hope that the association will play an important role in promoting
positive news about Cambodia and China and will join hands to fight
against fake news that causes a negative impact on relations between
our two countries, she said.
Southeast Asian Times
9, 2019
Journalists petition president to declare August 16 "Anti-Violence
against Journalist Day" |
Yogyakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI)
have reported the unresolved case of the murder in
1996 of journalist Fuad Muhammad Syafruddin, or Udin
from the Yogyakarta daily newspaper, Bernas, to the
National Police Commission (KKN), the Presidential
Advisory Council,
the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM),
the United Nations (UN) and the International Federation
of Journalists (IFJ), but to no avail
From News Reports:
Jakarta, August 19: A petition for August 16 to be declared "Anti-Violence
against Journalist Day" to commemorate Yogyakarta daily newspaper,
Bernas, journalist Fuad Muhammad Syafruddin, or Udin , who was murdered
in 1996 while investigating alleged corruption, was handed to president-elect
Joko "Jokowi" Widodo last week.
The Yogyakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), media watchdog
Rumah Perubahan Lembaga Penyiaran Public (House for Public Broadcasting
Institution Reforms), Society Concerns About Media (MPM) and Media Regulator
and Regulation Observer (PR2Media), including a number of Non Government
Oganisations (NGO's) have petitioned the government to declare August
16 "Anti-Violence against Journalist Day" as from next year.
The Bernas journalist was attacked and brutally beaton in Gedongan village,
Bantul, Yogyakarta on August 13, 1996 and died of his injuries three
days later.
Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI),Yogyakarta deputy chairman
Pito Agustin Rudiana said that the declaration of "Anti-Violence
against Journalist Day" would show respect for journalists who
were committed to ideals.
The murder of Bernas journalist Fuad Muhammad Syafruddin, or Udin followed
articles he wrote that were critical of the local administration in
Bantul, Yogyakarta.
The day Udin died should be commemorated as Anti-Violence against
Journalists Day because the Udin case is the most outstanding case of
violence against
journalists in Indonesia, it has captured both national and international
attention, he said.
Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI),Yogyakarta deputy chairman
Pito Agustin Rudiana said that police have exhibited an unwillingness
or an inability to identify and arrest those responsible for the death
of the Bernas journalist.
He said that it is a possibility that the Udin case will be closed without
resolution under the criminal code (KUHP) that stipulates that a case
can be closed after 18 years if unresolved.
Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI),Yogyakarta official, Hendrawan
Setiawan, said that should the case fail to be resolved in court, it
would set a
precedent for future cases of violence against journalists.
"I strongly rejected the closure of the Udin murder case",
he said.
Southeast Asian Times
to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Southeast Asian Times, Wednesday 11 June 2014
First published in the Bangkok Post, Saturday 7 June 2014
The BBC is back and one of the first clips I see about Thailand is
a report by
Jonathan Head.
Its the usual drivel.
The casual viewer wouldnt think much about it because Jonathan
seems such a nice casual guy just reporting the facts.
For anyone who really knows what is going on (and Im pretty
sure Jonathan does,
unless hes here only on holiday), this is misrepresentation
by selective reporting.
The report begins with someone explaining how the coup-installed temporary
government (lets just call it SMART for the purposes of this
letter) is
desperately trying to restore the economy which has dived ever since
the coup
was announced.
It says SMART had to resort to the same populist measures used by
the government they ousted (lets just call the latter STUPID
for the purposes
of this letter).
The fact is that the economy has perked up within just a week or two.
The release of the funds owed to the rice farmers has suddenly sparked
and given new life to the moribund upcountry economy.
This is not a populist measure by SMART, only a discharge of obligations
by the state, something that STUPID was unable to do.
STUPID had run out of money and tried to borrow the needed funds from
local banks who were aware that its caretaker status prevented it
from doing so legally.
The economy is going to revive with all the measures now being undertaken.
Funds from the current years budget will be released on time.
Next years budget will now no longer be held up.
Theres a good chance that politicians and cronies with not much
knowledge will be replaced with professionals on state enterprise
Restructuring to reduce economic and political inequality is being
There is a real honest attempt by SMART at reconciliation.
It may not be wholly successful, but it will not be from a lack of
sincere effort.
This is giving hope to the ordinary citizen whos pretty fed
up with partisan politics.
The BBC report goes on to say that the anti-coup three-finger movement
gaining in strength.
They may be right.
In Thailand, the news is still censored, but theres no sign
on the streets of this so-called great anti-coup movement.
Maybe they are getting this three-finger secret info from Robert Amsterdam
has his finger in every pie.
I read somewhere that he is setting up a government in exile.
Many countries are supposed to have offered this so-called government
a domicile.
I also read that Thaksin has not heard about it.
I suspect that this is a plan hatched by his lawyers who want to give
him a surprise birthday present.
According to the BBC, SMART wants to revive the same infrastructure
that STUPID was promoting.
It may find itself bumping against the same public opposition faced
by STUPID. SMART will come to realise that it has to grapple with
the same issues that politicians had to contend with.
But the protesters against STUPID were not against the projects per
They wanted only those projects that were financially viable and that
could get the
Environmental Impact Assessment green light.
The most important condition for the protesters was that financing
be within the
budget and subject to normal checks and balances.
STUPID had wanted to take out a massive loan of 2 trillion baht with
no questions asked and spend it with no subsequent auditing.
Thailand may be the only country that still retains its reset button.
Lets try a small thought experiment.
The US, despite objections from all over the world, is about to march
into Iraq.
A group of generals decide to take things into their own hands and
topple George Bush.
They declare martial law and censorship, make a few sensible changes
like outlawing unlicensed firearms, and then call new elections.
Can you imagine the horror?
Wheres my right to speak freely and to shoot freely?
America will never be the same!
We have destroyed our democracy!
Now balance that against half a million or a million lives saved by
locking up
George Bush for a week.
Maybe America needs to keep going its merry way, lecturing and shooting
at will
and it cant take the risk of a general killing more people than
George Bush
did, but it's their country.
I think most Thais would prefer to have a few guys locked up for a
week to contemplate if we can avoid bloodshed.
Note for the BBC. We are SMART, not STUPID.
Dont underestimate the intelligence of the Thai people.
Suthep Kittikulsingh,
Viet Nam eases regulations for foreign reporters
From News Reports:
Nang, November 1: Foreign journalists reporting from Da Nang, central
Viet Nam, will be allowed to talk with ministries and other agencies
without first going to the Foreign Ministry for permission from Thursday,
December 20, reports Tuoi Tre, Youth newspaper.
The change is embodied in Decree 88/2012/ND-CP, it says.
The newspaper quotes Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Luong Thanh
Nghi as saying the new decree was intended to create favourable conditions
and flexibility for information gathering by foreign journalists,
representative offices and organisations working in Viet Nam.
The change in procedures would also meet the country's demands for
international development and exchange, integration and co-operation
with other countries.
Formerly representative offices had to be located in Ha Noi but the
new decree allows them to be located anywhere in the country with
the approval of the Foreign Affairs and the relevant People's Committee.
The validity of the card that a foreign journalist requires will also
be increased from six to 12 months in accordance with the duration
of their visas.
The Southeast Asian Times
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Alliance wants officers charged after reporters assaulted
unidentified Indonesia air force officer attempts to strangle
Riau Pos photojournalist Didik Herawanto last Tuesday morning
as reporters attempted to cover the crash of a Hawk 200
aircraft in Pasir Putih, Kampar, Riau province, during a
routine training exercise. Pilot Lieutenant Reza Yori Prasetyo
ejected and made a safe landing as the aircraft went down
and there were no other casualties |
Riau, October
18: Indonesia Alliance of Independent Journalists coordinator Aryo
Wisanggeni wants officers who assaulted the reporters who tried to
cover the crash of a Hawk 200 jet at the Air Force housing complex
in Pasir Putih, Kampar, Riau province last Tuesday prosecuted.
The officers had violated the Press Law and could face two years in
jail for the assaults, the Jakarta Post quotes the coordinator as
This is not the first time that military personnel have assaulted
journalists covering an Air Force plane crash. It has added to the
long list of assaults against journalists involving military personnel. says air force officers beat two reporters one from
the Antara News Agency and TV One. Their cameras were also confiscated.
Southeast Asian Times
14 October 2012